Hey NG,
My new Video Game Music album is out! Save The Princess :D I tried my best to release it on Pixel Day but unfortunatly I didn't make it in time. Save The Princess is a mix of emulated soundfonts and 8bits from classic consoles like the NES, Snes, Gameboy, Sega, Commodore 64, Famicom,etc.. smashed together with a little bit of Electronic music & Rock/Metal.
I went way out of my comfort zone for this one, tried some things I haven't tried before. But I did have lots of fun working on this even though I'm not too great with Electronic music.
Artwork for the album was done by Hydriss you should check out his other works!
You can listen to the album on Youtube and/or download it on Bandcamp for Free or name your price :) I'll be uploading the track on NG aswell in the future for anyone who wants to use it on NG
Hope you enjoy it!
I really can't imagine ever having the desire to sit down to listen to 8bit or old game inspired music on my headphones. I just wouldn't enjoy it as I find it a bit silly. However, going over your tracks, I have much respect for the genres you implemented into it (specifically track 8). The album sounds well produced, and the music is really interesting. Consider it a success, and I hope it reaches much of the target audience that you intend it for. Congrats on the work!
Thanks man! :)